I've been thinking more about the creature's physiology. As I said before, it has webbed feet to help propel itself in water along with the use of its tail. The noticeable difference in muscle mass between the fore and rear legs would suggest much more reliance on power of the rear legs, and that it should be able to jump fairly large distances like a frog. It also has similar stubby toes to a frog and may be able to grip normally slippery surfaces with small suction cups on the toes. But I've also considered that it might have sets of small claws on the toes used for grip as well as digging and defensive/offensive purposes. I have not quite decided what kind of habitat it would exist in, and if it's an omnivore or a carnivore (definitely not an herbivore), or if it's a day or night hunter, among some other considerations.
By the way, I accept all critique/comments/suggestions on anything.... my draughtsmanship (or lack of), painting ability (or lack of), anatomy, etc, etc, etc. I'm just finally doing something to practice and have a little fun. I'm no painter...I just (do my best) to make stuff move.
omg i found corey, or more like you found me. yea, it's my first digital painting since maybe..3-4 yrs ago? and at that time, i did a really quick crappy one. then my computer caught a virus for a year. i still like real mediums more, but both have their pros and cons. i see why people like digital. btw, i like ur amphibian thingy, but i think i like the post of the one before this one more. more appeal?
Sup Corey! I would say a nice solid darker value for the back ground. I thtink its competeing a littel with your sillouette. Good construction though, this is sounding too much like a ACME comment ... um . . I got a new clevlend 60 wedge. there, that was extracaricular enough! see you wednessday
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