Saturday, February 14, 2009

blocking reworked

Pretty close to done with my blocking, just a couple more little fixes and it's on to curves!

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Real updates coming soon, including a reel of my work from last semester (the good, the bad, and the horrendously ugly), updates to my links, and......well I guess that's it.

Until then, here's a WIP: the first assignment for BFA for the spring (my final) semester!

First pass blocking:

Blocking revision:

I'm still going to go in and add more details to his actions and get it all ready to move into a first pass state. If you don't know (but hopefully figured out), he's a salesman (of the door-to-door kind...I'll add a slight environment and maybe give him some clothing props to help sell him later) selling a vacuum that sucks, and I don't mean it does what it's supposed to do. He tries to demonstrate it and the switch breaks off. After a brief moment of shock, he jumps back into his pitch hoping the customer didn't notice the fault.

And they all lived happily ever after.
The end.