So the semester is coming to a close...classes are officially over as of yesterday and the next week and a half is just working towards finals. I just finished my Maya final project: the self portrait where I have to model myself in 3D. I'm quite happy with how it came out, but I did cut a couple corners and didn't do a real hair texture and cut short on fully modeling my hands (I don't have finger nails), and jumped to practice more rigging...I rigged myself so I could try posing my model for different pictures which, as you can see, I was able to do. I wound up using previous projects to have fun with the poses and make things a little easier. I spent the last straight 17 hours finishing the model (3 hours for the hands, 1 for the shoes, like 5-7 rigging, and the rest posing and rendering) and I'm starting to get delirious in addition to the cramped hands and eyes from working on the computer for so long...on the plus side, the project's not even due til this coming Monday so I have this out of the way and essentially have a week and a half to devote to my Tidepool. Speaking of it...there's a picture of its current state where I've started cleaning it up especially in the foreground and trying to get texture and really make things "sing". I'm happy with how it's going too.
Winter break plans:
1. J.C. Leyendecker gallery at Stockton
2. finish xmas shopping
3. xmas with mom's side of the family, then dad's
4. spend a couple days helping mom move into new house in Roseville (only a couple blocks from grandma/grandpa on dad's side..haha)
5. at free time, engage in various learning tasks: either learning more of Maya (rigging especially), learning Flash, constructing my Tidepool in Maya, drapery studies, or possibly continue painting my Tidepool
6. Wisdom teeth removal first week of January....FUN!
7. get back to campus ASAP so I can work on traditional 2D animation skills
8. winter break's over and it's time for classes!